Research Article
Izida I. Ishmuradova, Sergei P. Zhdanov, Sergey V. Kondrashev, Natalya S. Erokhova, Elena E. Grishnova, Nonna Yu. Volosova
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 17, Issue 3, Article No: ep579
The development of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has started a conversation on its possible uses and inherent difficulties in the field of education. It becomes essential to understand the perceptions of pre-service teachers about the integration of this technology into teaching practices as AI models including ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini acquire popularity. This investigation sought to create a valid and trustworthy instrument for evaluating pre-service science teachers’ opinions on the implementation of generative AI in educational settings related to science. This work was undertaken within the faculty of education at Kazan Federal University. The total number of participants is 401 undergraduate students. The process of scale development encompassed expert evaluation for content validity, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and assessments of reliability. The resultant scale consisted of four dimensions: optimism and utility of AI in science education, readiness and openness to AI integration, AI’s role in inclusivity and engagement, and concerns and skepticism about AI in science education. The scale demonstrated robust psychometric properties, evidenced by elevated reliability coefficients. Cluster analysis unveiled distinct profiles of pre-service teachers based on their responses, encompassing a spectrum from enthusiastic participants to skeptical disengaged individuals. This study provides a comprehensive instrument for evaluating pre-service teachers’ perceptions, thereby informing teacher education programs and professional development initiatives regarding the responsible integration of AI. Recommendations entail the validation of the scale across varied contexts, the exploration of longitudinal changes, and the investigation of subject-specific applications of generative AI in science education.
Keywords: generative artificial intelligence, science education, scale development, pre-service teacher’s perceptions
Research Article
Fatimah Alhashem, Abdullah Alfailakawi
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 4, Article No: ep474
This research studied the impact of integrating virtual laboratories in chemistry lessons among 22 pre-service teachers who were enrolled in a Bachelor of Education program, focusing on middle and high school science. These participants were systematically divided into an experimental group (EG) and a control group. Both groups engaged in the same organic chemistry lesson and subsequent lab session, the only difference being that EG received additional training via a virtual laboratory prior to the hands-on lab session. A survey, conducted both before and after the experiment, was utilized to measure participants’ attitudes towards the use of virtual laboratories. The quantitative data analysis revealed a significant positive shift in EG’s attitudes post-intervention, suggesting that virtual laboratory experiences enhance their learning and engagement. Specifically, participants exhibited improved understanding of the educational methodologies and heightened engagement during the physical lab work. However, no significant differences were observed between the two groups concerning the technical aspects of the experiments, implying that the virtual labs’ impact on perspectives about the technical components of a chemistry lab was consistent across both groups. These findings support the view of virtual laboratories as a viable supporting tool for science education, promoting technology integration into teaching practices to meet the demands of 21st century learning outcomes. This research concludes with recommendations for future studies to explore further the implications of virtual labs on various aspects of science education.
Keywords: virtual laboratory, chemistry, organic chemistry, pre-service teacher, training, science education, laboratory
Review Article
Roza S. Akhmadieva, Natalia N. Udina, Yuliya P. Kosheleva, Sergei P. Zhdanov, Maria O. Timofeeva, Roza L. Budkevich
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 4, Article No: ep460
A descriptive bibliometric analysis of works on artificial intelligence (AI) in science education is provided in this article to help readers understand the state of the field’s research at the time. This study’s main objective is to give bibliometric data on publications regarding AI in science education printed in periodicals listed in the Scopus database between 2002 and 2023 end of May. The data gathered from publications scanned and published within the study’s parameters was subjected to descriptive bibliometric analysis based on seven categories: number of articles and citations per year, countries with the most publications, most productive author, most significant affiliation, funding institutions, publication source and subject areas. Most of the papers were published between 2016 and 2022. The United States of America, United Kingdom, and China were the top-3 most productive nations, with the United States of America producing the most publications. The number of citations to the publications indexed in Scopus database increased in a progressive way and reached to maximum number in 2022 with 178 citations. Most productive author on this topic was Salles, P. with four publications. Moreover, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Memphis, and University of Southern California have the maximum number of publications as affiliations. The National Science Foundation was the leader funding institution in terms of number of publications produced. In addition, “Proceedings Frontiers in Education Conference Fie” have the highest number of publications by year as a publication source. Distribution of the publications by subject area was analyzed. The subject areas of the publications were computer sciences, social sciences, science education, technology and engineering education respectively. This study presents a vision for future research and provides a global perspective on AI in science education.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, science education, STEM, bibliometric review
Review Article
Sandra Erika Gutiérrez-Núñez, Aixchel Cordero-Hidalgo, Javier Tarango
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, Issue 3, Article No: ep367
This article analyzes the way in which educators and researchers have pronounced themselves for incorporating computer programming in the K-12 curricula (basic and secondary education), recognizing its cognitive benefits in those who practice it, which can be useful in contexts other than computing, by influencing the development of higher order thinking skills and problem solving, both concepts integrated in the so-called computational thinking (CT). The proposal includes the vision of various authors, who conclude that the transfer of cognitive programming skills does not happen correctly given the prevalence of educational interventions designed under the belief that it occurs as an automatic and spontaneous process. The structure of the article is made up of three fundamental aspects: (1) historical account of the definition of knowledge transfer (KT), its main theoretical and classificatory taxonomies; (2) integration of existing definitions on CT and the way in which the formulation of various study plans in different countries has resulted; and (3) the investigation of different challenges and implications present in the CT, as well as recommendations for its improvement, taking as a reference the results of experiments carried out in different academic fields, proposed in order to strengthen both the KT as well as the CT.
Keywords: computational thinking, computer-like thinking, computational-informatics thinking, computational literacy, problem solving, computer science education
Research Article
Nuri Kara
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 13, Issue 2, Article No: ep295
The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic literature review on the use of serious games in science education between 2016 and 2020 years. A total of 39 articles were included from Science Citation Index- Expanded (SCI-Expanded), Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) listed in the Web of Science database. The results showed that experiential science was the most emphasized subject area in the articles. The results also indicated that learning/academic achievement was the common examined topic in the articles. For the research designs, more than half of the articles implemented quantitative research design. Considering the data collection tools, achievement tests were the most used data collection tool. Regarding the use of sampling methods, convenience sampling was preferred in more than half of the articles. Secondary and primary school students were the most used sampling groups. The sample size of 31-100-person group was commonly chosen in the articles. Considering the data analysis methods, a majority of articles implemented descriptive analyses methods. It was also found that computer game was the most used game type. Regarding the game genres, adventure was the most preferred one in serious games.
Keywords: serious games, educational games, science education, literature review
Book Review
Olivia Nichole Ritter
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 99-102
This book’s value lies in the succinct provision of evidence that confounds simplistic views of the objectives and potential directions of STEM education. More importantly, this book elicits significant questions about how the proposed alternative conceptions of STEM may materialize. As an educator in a system dominated by high-stakes standardized testing, the authors’ perspectives concerning the importance of the intrinsic value of genuine learning and the aesthetics underlying the subjects of mathematics and science are refreshing and provide hope for potential change.
Keywords: STEM, science education, mathematics education, technology education
Research Article
Katja Fleischman, Ellen Ariel
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 138-159
Understanding and trouble-shooting microscopic processes involved in laboratory tests are often challenging for students in science education because of the inability to visualize the different steps and the various errors that may influence test outcome. The effectiveness of gamification or the use of game design elements and game-mechanics were explored in a year-long research project which saw the development of a web based learning tool that visualized Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISAs) in a digital laboratory. A cohort of 30 students from the Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science trialed the first prototype and provided feedback in a survey on their learning experience and the extent to which the learning tool enhanced their learning. This article provides additional insights into likely future trends of substituting traditional learning modes such as lecture and practical laboratory classes with gamified content.
Keywords: Gamification, Game-based learning, Higher education, Science education
Research Article
Jyoon Yoon, Lynn Brice
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp. 250-263
This article reports a qualitative study on computer-supported collaborative learning during a multidisciplinary education project on environment. The water project is designed to provide the elementary teacher candidates opportunities to explore issues related to water and find solutions to them through the Internet. As a production of the water project, they created posters and fliers in a photograph application to educate people regarding water issues and discussed how their creations affected people’s awareness of water issues, using a web-discussion tool. The teacher candidates’ reflections revealed that the water project was a meaningful e-learning activity to raise awareness of the global water issues and create an opportunity for them to share their learning, incorporating science and social studies. This water project provided a computer-supported collaborative e-learning model for integrating science and social studies.
Keywords: E-learning, Computer supported learning, Collaborative learning, Integrated education, Science education, Social studies
Research Article
Kennedy O. Odu
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp. 238-249
The importance of science and technology education cannot be over-emphasized. Human capital development in science and technology education is the gateway to a scientific, technological, and progressive society. It is also the very bedrock upon which modern and advanced nations are based. However, science was featured in a few secondary and teacher training schools in Nigeria between 1859 and 1929. The major subjects taught in the schools were astronomy, chemistry, physiology, geology, and botany. These were later systematized and then changed first to Nature Study and later General Science. Training of technology education teachers in Nigeria started in 1962 with the establishment of the Department of Vocational Teacher Education at the University of Nigeria-Nsukka under the supervision of Michigan State University (USA) at its formative years. Human capital development in science and technology education is faced with a lot of challenges such as retraining of science and technology teachers, dearth of qualified technology trainers, and inadequate funding among others. This paper addressed how these challenges could be forestalled for successful implementation of human capital development and also the new responsibilities of the teachers for science and technology education in Nigeria.
Keywords: Human capital development, Technology education, Science education, Training of science and technology teachers
Research Article
Tomas Cerny, Bozena Mannova
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 163-173
To provide computer scientists with good materials and interesting topics in a class does not necessarily mean that their education is of a high quality, students need to be motivated and evolve skills needed in a real-life employment. Social skills, teamwork, collaboration and competition are valuable aspects they should know in other to become professionals. This paper presents a study with intention to improve education of computer science students in employment-like environments. The study utilizes experience with competitive and collaborative learning in education and Programming Olympiads. Multiple methodological aspects are applied and discussed with regard to students’ evaluation. The results show increased student motivation and interest in the course, which produces larger workload in the class.
Keywords: Competitive learning, Collaborative learning, Pace environment, Computer Science Education